Overcoming Self-Contempt

Overcoming Self Contempt

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1

Condemnation is a judicial term that declares a person guilty and worthy of punishment from a judge or jury. Self-contempt is passing sentence on yourself for your own actions. These are significant issues in the lives of many of our clients. The Apostle Paul says that for those in Christ, there is no condemnation. That means absolutely zero! This critical reality is especially true for those abused or who have experienced performance-based conditional love. They have a difficult time receiving God's love and forgiveness for themselves. They are plagued by self-loathing and believe the lies of condemnation. 

It is a joy to come alongside others and help expose the lies they believe and receive freedom in Christ! One former client put it this way.

"Satan had convinced me that I was a hypocritical wretch. The lies and accusations were so subtle, mingled with enough truth that I felt trapped, powerless and afraid to believe anything else. Praise the Lord that I am finally free. I am a new person. I have learned that most of what I had believed were lies. I no longer have thoughts of killing myself. I can communicate and forgive. I have a new love for the Word of God, and I feel confident as I approach the throne of grace."

Affirmations for Dismantling Self-Contempt

•    I acknowledge my sin and receive forgiveness through Jesus Christ. 
•    I choose to love myself as God wants me to love myself. 
•    I do not need to punish or hurt myself. 
•    What was forced on me by others was not my fault. 
•    I refuse all false guilt. 
•    It is all right to be healed inside. 
•    I choose to take care of myself. 
•    I do not deserve to be hurt by others. 
•    I am not an evil person.
•    I will see myself as Christ sees me today. 
•    I deserve to be treated respectfully. 
•    It is all right to make a mistake. 
•    I am not a ____________ (whatever you call yourself inside). 
•    It is all right for me to have joy!
•    My body is not evil. 
•    I am precious in God's sight. 
•    I am not a mistake. 
•    God delights in me. 
•    I reject Satan's opinion of me and receive God's opinion of me.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support in helping hurting people. I pray the Lord will use these emails to encourage and help your walk with Jesus!