IBCC Policies & Guidelines
We are blessed to serve our clients in meeting their counseling needs. These are the policies and guidelines that are part of the client and the counselor relationship.
IBCC is here to provide for our clients a safe place of grace, mercy, and truth for them to come and open up their hearts to receive the help they need.
IBCC encourages all its clients to have a support system outside of the counseling they are receiving. Attending a small group at a local life-giving church, bible study, close friends, and community is a part of fulfilling that need. It is a crucial aspect of lasting help.
IBCC adheres to the HIPPA confidentiality policies and to high confidentiality standards with their clients.
IBCC is not a crisis counseling center and cannot receive or return phone calls outside of regular counseling hours from Tuesday through Friday.
If you need to schedule a phone call between sessions, IBCC encourages you to schedule with our office a phone call.
IBCC counselors have the maturity necessary to remain objective and not take sides in a marriage counseling relationship. If you have a concern regarding this, please inform your counselor as soon as possible.
IBCC has found it beneficial in marriage counseling that the husband take the initiative in seeking counseling. When possible, we recommend that the husbands schedule the intake phone call.
IBCC has a heavy counseling load; therefore, weekly appointments are rarely available.
IBCC has found it most beneficial for female clients to have a support person attend their counseling appointments and is a requirement to schedule an appointment with Jeffrey Pokone. In some cases, IBCC can provide a support person.
IBCC encourages its clients to express any concerns that could impact them receiving the counseling they need.
IBCC will mail or email a monthly statement of giving for counseling hours.
IBCC reserves the right to end the counseling relationship with a client at any time that the counselor determines that they can no longer be of help to that person. We will discuss other possible referrals that could provide the assistance that is needed.