Client Forms

Click on the relevant form to download it.

Statement of Understanding and Financial Statement

Upon receiving approval for an in-office appointment, we require that the counselee read and sign the following forms: Statement of Understanding and Financial Statement. These forms must be submitted to IBCC on or before a counselee’s first in-office visit.


We also require the counselee to read and sign our Policy and Guidelines form.This form must be submitted to IBCC before a counselee’s first in-office visit.


To help us serve our counselees as effectively as possible, we require all new counselees to complete this form. All personal information included in this form will be held confidential between the counselee and IBCC. This form must be submitted to IBCC on or before a counselee’s first in-office visit.

Parent Release Form

In the case that a parent/legal guardian is bringing a minor (child under 18 years of age) to ICBC for counseling, we request that the parent(s)/legal guardian read and sign the Parent Release Form. This form must be submitted to IBCC on or before a counselee’s first in-office visit.

Client Release Form

In the case that an IBCC counselee requests all his/her client notes to be submitted to another counselor or other individual, we require that they sign and submit a Client Release Form. This is designed to protect the confidentiality of our counselee’s personal records. IBCC will not process a request for the release of client information until we have received a signed Client Release Form.